Maya2017 Update 3に同梱されるようなので
Autodeskのサイトを回ってMaya2017 update3のアナウンスが無いかと見て回ったのですが
Maya2017 update 3の動向次第というわけで…
ちなみに、MtoA 1.4.2の詳細は以下のとおりです。
Arnold RenderView
- ARV is now integrated in Maya workspaces (Maya 2017) : its position in the Maya UI is now restored in new sessions.
- Color Management in the ARV (gamma, exposure, view transform, background, foreground) is now computed in GPU. This makes it interactive to edit, even at high resolutions, and the whole UI is now more efficient (showing snapshots, selecting, etc…)
- Snapshots folder: it is now possible to set a snapshots folder, in which all snapshots will be saved. This allows you to retrieve the snapshots from previous Maya sessions, or to switch between different sets of snapshots.
- New Pixel information window: shows detailed values for the pixel below the mouse cursor, on all AOVs.
- Support Displacement shaders in “Isolate Selected”.
- Fixed viewer size flickering at first opening.
- Single menu for “Save Images”: The color space will be applied (or not), depending on the output image format. Gamma/exposure/background are no longer saved.
- Improved the text format of the status bar “display pixel information”.
- New icon to show the alpha channel.
- Support cropped images when loading into ARV.
- Fixed a crash when a new scene is opened while an AOV was being displayed.
- OCIO view transform was sometimes not applied.
- Support IPR updates.
- Display the list of grids found in the VDB file in the Attribute Editor.
- Added automatic step size / step_scale in the volume node. It will use the highest resolution in the VDB file.
- Read the bounds information directly from the VDB file instead of creating a temporary arnold scene, which was time consuming.
MtoA Improvements
- New set of icons for the Outliner, Node Editor, Arnold Shelves and menus.
- Type Tool text now renders correctly by default.
- Support Stereo Cameras in Sequence Rendering.
- Improvements in VP2 (standins, volume, sky).
- Local overrides in Render Setup were not active when exporting to .ass.
- Removed non-necessary attributes from the channel box.
- Support OCIO context changes.
- Support namespaces when an .ass file is loaded.
- Add Arnold shape attributes to Bifrost shapes.
- Support face-varying user data.
- Support User Attributes of type Message Array.
- Default folder for Render To Texture / Bake Geometry is Maya project folder.
- Instanced Standins were not behaving correctly in IPR
- Handle namespaces for referenced XGen scenes.
- Update primitives when the frame is changed.
- Fixed regression in the opaque attribute.
Curve Collector
- Fixed the width value so that it matches the width in the native curves (has to be divided by 2 as it’s considered as a “radius” in Maya).
- Fixed Motion Blur that wasn’t behaving properly.
- Intermediate objects (e.g. “original position” of animated curves) are no longer rendered.
New Shaders
- Thin film renders iridescence effects of a thin coat film.
- Complex IOR returns the reflectance color for complex IOR fresnel.
- Fixed wrong camera exported to .ass in case of multiple cameras.
- Support Render to Texture on .ass files imported from HtoA.
Incompatible Changes
- AOVs are no longer brought in when referencing/importing scenes.